Donald Wildmon Illness: What Happened to Donald Wildmon?

In August 2009, a sombre announcement echoed through the email inboxes of supporters and followers of Donald Wildmon, the revered founder and chairman emeritus of the American Family Association. The news, delivered by his son Tim Wildmon, revealed a sudden and severe health crisis that would test the strength and resilience of this influential conservative figure.

The distressing saga began over the weekend of August 15–16, 2009, when Donald Wildmon was admitted to the North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. Initially suspected to be a severe case of meningitis, the situation took an unexpected turn as medical professionals determined that Wildmon was battling St. Louis encephalitis—a rare disease typically contracted from mosquitoes. This marked the commencement of a challenging journey that would unfold over the next several months.

St. Louis encephalitis, caused by a virus transmitted through mosquito bites, can lead to inflammation of the brain and, in severe cases, result in neurological complications. For Wildmon, this meant a prolonged stay in the hospital, enduring 121 days of medical care and rehabilitation. The gravity of his condition was further compounded by the need for surgery to address cancer in his left eye.

The ensuing months were a testament to Wildmon’s resilience and unwavering spirit. As he navigated the complexities of his health challenges, the founder of the American Family Association continued to inspire with his determination and faith. Despite the adversity, Wildmon’s commitment to his values and the organization he founded remained steadfast.

On March 3, 2010, a significant announcement marked a turning point in Wildmon’s journey. It was revealed that, due to health considerations, Donald Wildmon had made the difficult decision to step down as chairman of the American Family Association. This pivotal moment signalled the end of an era, prompting reflections on the immense contributions of this iconic leader in the realm of American conservatism.

